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Cava vs Chipotle

Cava vs Chipotle

This week’s featured story is a modern day David vs Golath showdown. One has been on top of the food world while the other is slowing drawing attention in areas with a local franchise. However, the backbone culture of these restaurants tend to be the healthiest option for people with food allergies, heart and cholesterol issues. 80 % of my followers chose Cava to be the healthier option. This article will only present the facts until my summary judgement in the conclusion. Judge wisely, just don’t get too hungry.

The Appearance

The Cost

Cava: $11.62 Chipotle: $10.52

Nutritional Breakdown

Micronutrient Benefits

  • Cava

  • Eggplant is rich in niacin and Vitamin B making it a great option for people with high cholesterol and cardiovascular issues.

  • Hummus, rich in protein and fiber will help keep you fuller, longer. Hummers is also rich in folate which encourages cell tissue growth and phosphorus that helps maintain strong bones.

  • Chipotle

  • Guacamole is defiantly a higher caloric food, however its “superfood” benefits can help lower, LDL and HDL cholesterol levels. Great option if you plan on doing something active later in the day.

  • Black Beans are also high in folate, which like hummus will encourage cell tissue growth. Black Beans are also high in copper which plays a significant role in energy production.


Both options can be more helpful than the other in individual cases. However, the case was to prove which option was healthier and by that definition I would say Cava because of its high nutrient density with a lower caloric value difference of 150kcal. The Brown Rice bowl at Cava is made up of 65% carbohydrates, 9% fat and 26% protein which is perfect for someone looking to maintain weight with a low physical activity expenditure or loose weight while maintaining performance/ recovery in the weight room. Eggplant vs Guacamole was an interesting comparison given their same benefits toward high cholesterol and heart disease. Depending on the individuals need, Eggplant would make an excellent substitute to the fatty composition of Guacamole. Chipotle is definitely geared for teens looking for a high caloric meal that will meet the demand of their constant physical expenditure and growth. Knowing what you put in your body will allow you to achieve the goals you desire. However, accomplishing weight loss/ gain goals takes determination but more importantly being observant in what you’re actually eating.


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